Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On love- as I know it !

I am fighting a battle. The weird thing is I am not fighting anymore. But the battle is still on.
And I am not able to get out. I don’t have any idea which side is winning or which side is losing.

I am in love with this battle. The battle itself is love. All that remains is love.

Love never dies. Love ends; but never dies. The love that has been shared is never reversed. It remains as it is as long as eternity lasts. Love is eternal.

I have loved- loved with all my heart. And still I do. But the great question answered by silence is –am I in love. Being in love is a state-which can change. I have just an answering silence.

But my love for you is always there. With you, all I know is to love. All I am capable of is love.
We have lost a lot of things- hopes, passion, understanding, happiness.. but love still remains. All this has begun and all this will end in love.

Love is just not an end in itself. It is a journey that we chose to take.

We don’t know where the journey ends or the bend in our road.

We know the pain of separation for we have separated and come together again. That separation was not the end of our lives albeit being undesirable for me.

But now we know, separation cannot kill us or the love that we shared.

I am perfectly confident on you - you don’t need me the way I used to imagine when I was a perfectly naïve female.

And I don’t need you in my life any more as I used to imagine. I don’t need any body for that matter. But if I need any body at all at any point o f time, I’d rather be it you.

Well, is that what is love? Or is it just an open declaration of my comfort with you? Or can that be the acknowledgment of my fear for the unknown?

Unsure about many things, but I can assure of this- years and years hence, I will be saying this with a sigh and a wandering eye that I have loved- a love that is lasting. That remains as long as eternity lasts.

And I am happy for the moments of togetherness, moments of separation, for hopes and the lost hopes, for the flush of excitement and flood of disappointment, for the lightheartedness and the heavy heartedness that this love has given me.

For the reason that without this love for you, I would never have known what loving like this meant.


  1. The pain of love is felt is this wonderful blog.

    When you are in love " you are unsure whether we will get it forever" when you have lost your love, you still , "unsure whether you will get that same love again"- .But still love remains , only we do not remain forever
    Why do you need a person in your life? Everthought of that , its because we want to love him/her with full heart. Do we call that selfishness? no, because its our total surrender to that person , telling him/her openly , that here i am ,love me as much as you can, if you are not able, dont worry, still at some corner of the world i will be there to shover you with pellets of love.
    So you need not say here that" I don’t need you in my life any more as I used to imagine",because its not the need , but the thirst for love that matters

  2. To be in utter be in complete lose yourself the warmth long forgotten...of a scent long cherished......and to 'live' without ur sense of to be in love...come to think of's to be a baby all over again...!!!!
    To know you shall lose, to let go of urself in her smiles, and in her arms, to be awe-struck, to palpitate every single moment that keeps u away from this....this helplessness is love....
    It's this feeling...that i love!!! it's the person who emanates this that i love...!

    It's the only time i see the morning sky, thank the sun's warmth, the birds in their nests, it makes me LIVE...and her thought keeps me alive...

    Just a thought keeps me alive...remember not the person...

  3. Murali guess i was melodramatic abt the last comment...
    i guess my more honest views about love are not that optimistic..
    i do believe it is sacred but i belive it s sacred more b coz it creates in the person a sort of maturity, a realisation that his worst pains and suffering comes from his bondage to another person...his attachment to her/him..
    it gives him a lesson in the futility of passion and madness, while, indelibly searing his heart with memories of complete and careless abandon with his loved one....
    i believe it s just a good lesson in life, like any other, priceless...just about invaluable in its contribution to the person's emotional growth..but osmethin to be gradually grown out of,

    mature love is just caring sans passion, it is boring , yet secure, immautre love is passion, it s fun...

    anything in between is an act;

  4. By the way came here thru your malayalam blog..
    heck... dunno wat to say really...
    its all about love :)

    cheers amigo
    Hasta La Victoria Siempre

  5. again, thanks to all.. Anoop, I dint quite understand the alst part :-D
